Hour 3: Should the Sens rest Brady Tkachuk and The Masters37:45 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings1 5 hours ago Radio
TSN’s Mike Johnson says if rest would help, Sens should sit Tkachuk to get healthy for the playoffs20:14 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings0 5 hours ago Radio
Johnson: If rest would help, Sens should sit Tkachuk TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings0 5 hours ago Radio
Hour 2: Health of Brady Tkachuk and who is still threat to the Sens playoff hopes35:59 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings0 5 hours ago Radio
Hour 1: Gee-Gees are University Cup champs and should Brady Tkachuk sit out some games41:08 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings0 7 hours ago Radio
Hour 4: University Cup starts with a bang and no panic button for the Sens30:15 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings3 Mar 21, 10:07 am Radio
Hour 3: Don’t jump off the Sens bandwagon after two losses and NHL All-Star weekend38:20 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings2 Mar 21, 9:17 am Radio
TSN’s Frankie Corrado say you can't overreact to a couple of "speed wobbles" by the Sens20:16 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings3 Mar 21, 8:47 am Radio
Corrado: Can't overreact to a couple of "speed wobbles" by the Sens TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings0 Mar 21, 8:34 am Radio
Hour 2: Tkachuk and the Sens keep calm after 2nd straight loss while Habs and NYI chase37:56 TSN 1200 TSN Radio tv TSN Mornings4 Mar 21, 8:19 am Radio